
This page presents a high-level overview of the “autolabel” workflow. The description is aimed at scientists studying songbirds that want to automate annotation of their data, without having to know all the nitty-gritty details of machine learning.

Here’s the bare minimum background information you need to know: To automate labeling of birdsong syllables, hvc implements previously proposed machine learning algorithms. All the algorithms in hvc are supervised learning algorithms. That means you need to provide them some hand-labeled training data. Using this data, the algorithms “learn” to classify syllables. More precisely, the algorithms produce a function that maps input features, such as acoustic parameters like pitch or duration, to a syllable class. (This approach is distinct from clustering methods that can assign the identity of a syllable to some class with little or no input from the user, and without labeling training data. Unfortunately such algorithms are by and large still not as accurate as supervised learning algorithms.)

That should hopefully give you just enough background follow the outline below of the steps in the workflow for autolabeling vocalizations.

0. Label training data

Label a small set of songs to provide training data for the models, typically 20-40 songs.

from glob import glob
import hvc

# 0. create training data
# In this case, we download already labeled data from an open repository.
# String in quotes matches with the name of one of the folders in the repository.

1. Pick a model

Pick a machine learning algorithm/model and the features used to train the model. The models and features are specified in a configuration file (“config”) written in YAML, a very simple language meant to represent data in way that’s easy for humans to read.

Currently the highest accuracy is obtained with the support vector machine with a radial basis function (SVM-RBF) or a convolutional neural net model (“flatwindow”). These results were obtained by the testing the models on the song of Bengalese finches. At this time the only other model implemented is a k-Nearest Neighbors model (k-NN). If you do not have a graphic processor unit (GPU), it will probably be easiest to use the SVM-RBF. If you do have a GPU, you probably want to use the flatwindow model.

2. Extract features for that model from song files

Extract features for that model from the training data, i.e,. the song files that will be used to train the model.

# 1. pick a model and 2. extract features for that model
# Model and features are defined in extract.config.yml file.

Each machine learning model is fit to a set of features. These are either acoustic parameters extracted from the song or spectrograms of the song itself. More information about what features to use can be found on the pages about each model.

3. Pick the hyperparameters

Pick the hyperparameters used by the algorithm as it trains the model on the data. Hyperparameters can be thought of as the “knobs” on the algorithm that controls how it learns. More on the hyperparameters for each algorithm can be found in the walkthroughs for each algorithm on the main tutorial page.

# 3. pick hyperparameters for model
# Load summary feature file to use with helper functions for
# finding best hyperparameters.
summary_file = glob('./extract_output*/summary*')
summary_data = hvc.load_feature_file(summary_file)
# In this case, we picked a k-nearest neighbors model
# and we want to find what value of k will give us the highest accuracy
cv_scores, best_k = hvc.utils.find_best_k(summary_data['features'],
                                          k_range=range(1, 11))

4. Fit the model to the data

Train, i.e., fit the model to the data

5. Select the best model

Select the best model based on some measure of accuracy.

# 4. Fit the **model** to the data and 5. Select the **best** model'../../tutorial/')

6. Predict labels for unlabeled data using the fit model.

Using the fit model, predict labels for unlabeled data.

# 6. **Predict** labels for unlabeled data using the fit model.